The Cebralari
The Cebralari have long since existed in the world, seemingly unbeknownst to the majority of the inhabitants. Their origin and history is as long and black as their vengeance they hold toward their eminent enemies; the warrior. Their ancestor was a great warrior who destroyed all in came into his path. He bore a son who more than anything wanted to be his father. Fate was not on his side as it gave him a weak frame and small capacity for wielding weapons and withstanding the wars of the time. Mocked with shame and defeat he found his true weapon, mind and sorcery. In a fit of fury as he was being attacked by the warriors he burst out a powerful shield of energy that not only blocked the attack but redirected it toward his attacker decimating them all. With this new found power he started a new gathering under the cover of the earth to establish his pristine way of battle and lifestyle.
The closest form of worship comes with their so called prophet, the son of the warrior Cebral. He only worshiped one thing beyond himself, and that was the god of war: Balthazar.
A Buckler or small shield is a must, despite the fact they are casters, they are front-line casters. A wand will occupy the other hand giving them a little freedom in taking the more traditional caster/supporter role.
They are casters so they cannot have too much armor so that it does not affect their sorcery. With that they want to appear larger than they really are since they will be face to face with Warriors and Dervish. They wear long robes concealing their rather scrawny bodies making them appear much bigger than they are. Hoods conceal their heads making them look sinister and battle ready, the hoods of course can be removed in towns or whenever.
Conduction- Increases damage and effect of direct energy attacks
If orb hits it causes … damage
Target enemy is set on fire for … seconds
Target is blinded for … seconds
Strike target foe with a bolt of electricity for … damage
Shelter- Increases strength in protection, cover, refuge, or safety skills
Absorb certain amount of damage for the next … attacks
Increase armor by … for 10 seconds
Absorb …% of damage for 3 seconds and strike target foe with that damage
Create barrier for … seconds that block incoming air attacks
Increase armor by… for each foe in area for 20 seconds
Increase armor by… for each attack against you for 10 seconds
Manipulation- Increases skill of control/influence over others
For the next … seconds target enemy must attack you
All in area target opponent for the next … seconds
All damage in area is redirected to you, you take … percentage rest goest to target enemy.
All allies target your target foe
Target foe cannot use any skills for … seconds
For …seconds all melee attacks against you are reverted back to the attacker
All damage taken is diverted to nearby target foe
Telekinesis- Increases strength/duration to move persons and objects
Drag one ally corpse with you for … seconds
Knockdown target enemy
Push target foe for …seconds
Target enemy is stopped from moving for … seconds
All foes in area move 66% slower for … seconds
Overall strengths would be that it is very effective against melee classes putting added pressure on tanks while relieving pressure against allied monks and casters. They have the ability to control the battle to a degree creating more of a strategy in fighting instead of just toe to toe.
They have very few fortifications against casters and rangers, making a fight between casters instead of it always one way. Melee after the casters. The one exlusion to that I believe would be the assassins being able to shadow step and having the freedom to spike whenever they wanted. Very high energy and enchantments needed to stay alive on the front line therefore hopefully requiring a more experienced and skilled gamer.
This is my first post on Guru and obviously my first CC, I do appreciate criticizm and honesty, but also understand that I am learning this game and enjoy learning and having fun, so if I appear like a noob, then tell me but dont say it a thousand times. With this profession, I wanted to put together a caster whose strength came up close in battles. A caster that worked better with more opponents that were immediately around him, like a Dervish is for the melee classes. I look forward to your posts.